/* Amor vincit omnia: The metamorphosis is complete. */

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The metamorphosis is complete.

Almost two years ago, a change started to happen. It wasn't obvious in the beginning, but I'm happy to say that after two years of internal reflection, I'm a changed person. Although I still worry over nothing sometimes, I do that a lot less now. I remember I used to be a person who needed guarantees, and instant gratification. I remember I used to flit from one girl to another. I remember I used to do nothing sometimes because I thought that they were not worth it.

Then someone came along. Someone special. I don't know how she feels about me, all that I know is that she's not ready. She'd pretty much told me that. (Well, not in those exact words, but the gist is the same.) Somehow, instead of just letting things go, I chose to stay on. For the first time, all I wanted to do was to be there for her, and be nice to her without any expectations of return. I barely know her; I can't wait to get to know her better. Yet, these feelings are different from the rest. Sure, this isn't love, but it sure feels like love's prelude.

In the past two years, I've come to realize the truth of love. Love is about giving. Love is about giving till it hurts. Love is about giving till it hurts, and then giving some more.

I would want to love her. So I guess I'll start by giving. Giving till it hurts, and then giving some more.


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