/* Amor vincit omnia: My car is out of gas (and so am I.) */

Sunday, April 10, 2005

My car is out of gas (and so am I.)

I played 6 hrs of tenis in the last 36 hrs. In recovery mode right now. Feels great. I'm feeling more energetic then ever. (My body begs to differ though.) I drove an amazing 70 miles today, just shuffling to and from places around town. Sucks. Used up so much gas, and it's so freaking expensive to get gas these days. Another reason NOT to invade Iraq. I can rant on and on about this but I'm not gonna.

Elections for the ISO's next week. Running for Executive VP. Running for Legislative VP's this cute hispanic girl. President's this hispanic guy. I think my spanish's gonna improve.

Life's very boring here at Auburn.

So am I.


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