/* Amor vincit omnia: The German girl denies that I am Chinese. */

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The German girl denies that I am Chinese.

Yeah... I know this German girl, met her for the second time on Friday at the ISO social hour. Apparently she's the girlfriend of one of my friends from Indonesia now (no that I'm interested.) Anyway she denies that I am Chinese when that friend of mine, Rifky, (or at least that's how I think it's spelled,) told her that. Well according to her, and I could not agree more, Chinese are quiet and shy, and boring. But I'm hyperactive, funny and I dress like a European. I especially like the last part. Kekeke... finally someone who knows that my dress sense IS influenced by Eurpoean fashion... NOT AH BENG FASHION!!!

Well it feels pretty good to be praised.

I told her only my heritage is Chinese, and she guessed she'll have to settle for that (she was still saying that I CANNOT be Chinese.)

I wish that there was no skin color in this world, and the way you are preceived by your peers is the way you behave. Then again, that way, I would never stand out like I do, the incessantly blabbing yellow guy.

Oh yeah I bought the lottery yesterday when I was in Atlanta. Din't win anything. Shucks.


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