One arrow, one life.
One arrow, one life: this is the essense of Kyudo, the Japanese art of archery. It refers to the belief that the way one shoots an arrow is the way one leads his entire life. Therefore, things that are wrong are to be fixed as they happen, for what we sacrifice by procrastinating is all our future chances. It is a philosophy that believes in the present, that one should not be preoccupied with past successes or failures; neither should one be preoccupied with future success or failure, for in doing either, we would be messing up this moment. One should focus on the task at hand, and not be distracted by the rest of the world. Nothing else matters, only the present.
I had been too preoccupied with the past, and I am still, and also fearful for the future. One arrow, one life. I will try to life my life that way, focusing on perfection of the task at hand, not bypredicting future outcomes by judging past experiences, but by doing what needs to be done.
In other news, I'll be putting up pictures from Stone Mountain, Georgia after I take a nap. Check back in a bit for them.
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