/* Amor vincit omnia: October 2005 */

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

That says it all, doesn't it?

Just uncovered a 5 second clip that ying took back in buena vista. God I miss those days. We are always looking for something new, or longing for something in the past, but never cherish the present. Then one day, the present becomes the past, and we are stuck in nostalgia again. That says it all, doesn't it?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Miscellaneous information

In other news, I discovered a really bigass cockroach in my room just now and killed it.

Oops... didn't know I'm so naughty

My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?


Is not about getting what you want, but wanting what you've got.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Full and thirsty. (And tired and lazy.)

I was at the Golden Corel (did I spell it right?) this evening with Bayu, Kyna, Christoph, Rifky and Shrenik. Filled myself up with some really unhealthy food. I'm now feeling bloated and thirsty. Bloated and thirsty... not a very comfortably combination. You can only pacify one at the cost of incurring the other.

I guess I do nothing in moderation. I exercise in extreme and I binge in extreme; I care a lot and I am filled with extreme apathy. Sad thing is that I switch from one to the next real quick too. I'm a living recipe for disaster.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I need to win the lottery or something....

I need money! Replacing the top of my car would cost 2k... and I've gotta save up for some other stuff in my car too. Feeling kinda bad to have my parents pay for the top... don't know if I should be spending so much on a car that's not that new. Then again, the leaks during downpours aint something nice to live with. I need like tons of money. 10k would do nicely. Any suggestions?

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Your Deadly Sins

Envy: 60%
Greed: 60%
Lust: 40%
Pride: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 37%
You will die in a duel.

Oh dear.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Moving to your own groove moves the world!

Monday, October 10, 2005

I found myself.

Somewhere between those bipolar days and endless runs, I found myself. I'm guessing it's most prob those endless runs. I think running got myblood flowing again, and started detoxifying my body. I feel healthier already, although my calves and knees beg to differ. Man maybe I AM getting old... heck 22 aint 18. I better get my fat ass in shape before age makes it impossible to do that. I'm 15kg from my target. Hopefully by the trip to Singapore at the end of this year, I would have lost 2/3 of that weight.

I've begun to right some of the wrongs that I had done to my life. Perhaps, things are getting better.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Don't mix Jello with Pineapple.

Somewhere, on every jello package, there is a warning not to mix the jello with pineapple. Find out why!


I've decided to become a compulsive exerciser. I felt so uncomfortable not being able to go for a run after running 3 days in a row.

Maybe I can develop an eating disorder too...

Too little time, too much weight to be lost...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


WTF?! I've got 2 tests and a speech this week. Things aint going all that great. I guess I'll survive.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Time for a change

I realize that it's time for me to make some significant changes to my life. Yeah I'm in shape right now... round is a shape. Gotta cut all that junk food that I've been feeding myself for the past few months and get back in shape. Gotta get my act together for all my classes too. Don't wanna get my GPA below 3 cuz otherwise it'll take me longer to graduate. Things being the way they are, I don't really wanna spend an extra semester or two in school. I think I've been approaching everything wrong. My approach is wrong, my priorities are wrong, my technique is wrong. Everything is just plain wrong. Time for a major upheaval. I have to take my life apart, shake it around a bit then put it back together with the right pieces in the right places. Everything's all jumbled up like a grotesque chimera right now. Be prepared for a new Vic. I am Vic. There's nothing I can't do when I put my heart to it.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Uber Multitasking!


Cutting up an mp3
Cleaning up the oilspill that migrated from my car to my apartment
Putting pictures up on my blog
Writing this article
Chatting with friends on msn

at the same time.


Anyway pictures from Chewbacca State Park's out. Check them out here.

Keeping fingers crossed!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!