/* Amor vincit omnia: April 2005 */

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Life is but a fleeting shadow.

The definition of success when you are
1 yr old - not wet yourself
5 yrs old - be loved by your family
12 yrs old - have lots of friends
25 yrs old - have your loved one beside you
45 yrs old - still have your loved one beside you
65 yrs old - still have lots of friends
75 yrs old - still be loved by your family
85 yrs old - not wet yourself

Life just goes by so fast. Was just talking to Ying. In the blink of an eye, we're almost a quarter through our lives. I still don't have much to show for it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm all set to overachieve?

Okay... here's the list of titles right now: VP Legislation of International Student Organization, VP Administration Pi Sigma Epsilon (marketing fraternity) and as of today, VP Advertising and Promotions of the American Marketing Association (Auburn Chapter.)

Man... I wish those were professional titles lol. I guess I'm all set to overachieve for the sake of my resume. I'm thinking of interning with the university's Marketing Director next semester... but it's slave labor... no pay sia... and I won't be able to work legally for the whole semester... I'm very open to suggestions at this point in time. On one hand, I will be performing free labor, on the other hand, I get to put it on my resume, and shut my parents' nagging for me to get a job.

Ehhh... I wish I didn't miss the briefing for the Sports Marketing Internship yesterday... bloody hell... thought it was today, but was actually yesterday. The interviews were supposed to be today... damn... I could've had a nice paying internship with the school instead of having to consider a non-paying one.

The semester's coming to an end. Still don't know how my grades are going to turn out... alot of it depends on the finals, but my spanish is almost a confirmed A. English's good right now. The rest well... we'll see.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

This world is severely populated by screw-ups and bitches.

I was at the ISO social hour the yesterday. It was raining, so there wasn't as many people as usual. I was just chilling with my friends, talking cock, the usual, when there was this picture of a dog in a blue basin on the giantic flat screen TV. It looked like a roasted pig. So one of my friends was like saying how he thought that dog on TV was dead, and so I said that I thought it was cooked. Okay this is the point where I tell you that I was talking rather loudly; and this woman sitting in front of the TV just turns and stares at me. So I was like thinking: 'what are u staring at?' Then my friend noticed that too and said something along the line of 'I think she's staring at you' or whatever. So I just raised my voice and said "Well I came here to talk freely. If I wanted to be repressed, I would have stayed in my country!" BITCH. What's her problem man. Can all the fucking bitches of the world mind their own business? Jesus christ, she's not even hot, and if there's any dog I wanna eat, it HER DOG.

I have gotta admit that although I've always known the modern Singaporean government is kinda a screwup (I hope they dun revoke my exit permit for saying this) but the latest casino policy really takes the cake. I mean how can you pass a legislation allowing people to bar their immediate family from going to the casino with a straight face? It's a fricking country for god's sake, not a fricking primary school. So what next? You gonna allow people to bar their immediate family from eating fried chicken? This just adds to the long list of screwups... ERP, COE, watever. But really, can we really expect anything good from a government that's formed out of the nerds and social rejects? Yes, be afraid, be really afraid. That nerd you stole that hot dog from during recess is going to make screw up your life in 20 years' time. Man... and they keep wondering why they are losing talent overseas. Comeon... anyone with half a brain would want to live a life without government interference in personal matters like if they should be allowed to visit a casino. Anyone with a cerebral cortex would want to live a life without STUPID government interference.

Singapore's the ONLY government in the world that favors foreigners to citizens. They get free education, (and call the government pig-headed, which I agree NOW) higher pay AND NOW, visit the casino FOR FREE. Almost everyone in the ruling party is a nerd. A fricking nerd. Nerds don't think like normal people do, so how can they presume to be able to make decisions for normal people? What we really need is something akin to the House of Lords, where everyday people can be elected into regardless of their wealth, occupation, or social status. We would have cab drivers, hawkers, CEOs, and whatnot in it. Policies made after consulting this House would be more relevant, and this would prevent the government from making policies that reek of stupidity. Sure they've got IQ, but can they think?

I love Singapore. That is why I critisize the government. 打是疼骂是爱。

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself: what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white; the white blessed day, and the dark. Say goodnight, and I think to myself: what a wonderful world.

Okay tomorrow, the song on this blog is changing.

I've been focusing on the wrong things for too long. It's not about getting what you what, it's about wanting what you've got.

I love my parents, my family, my friends (well some of them anyway :p.)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I just want to fly.

I've just become the legislative vp of the International Student Organization. However, I do not even feel even slightly happy. How does one know what he really wants? And what happens when what you want really turns out to be something other than what you thought it was? What happens then? Can you be sure that it is really what you want?

Things never seem to work out for me. Never had for the past 20+ months. I guess this is the point in time where I get used to disappointment. I guess when one comes to that point, there is no point in holding back anymore. Afterall, when you expect failure and disappointment everytime, what have you got to lose?

Fear is the greatest inhibitor of a person's potential. How can you expect to fly if you don't take that leap of faith?

This world won't break me. I will fly, sooner or later.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

My car is out of gas (and so am I.)

I played 6 hrs of tenis in the last 36 hrs. In recovery mode right now. Feels great. I'm feeling more energetic then ever. (My body begs to differ though.) I drove an amazing 70 miles today, just shuffling to and from places around town. Sucks. Used up so much gas, and it's so freaking expensive to get gas these days. Another reason NOT to invade Iraq. I can rant on and on about this but I'm not gonna.

Elections for the ISO's next week. Running for Executive VP. Running for Legislative VP's this cute hispanic girl. President's this hispanic guy. I think my spanish's gonna improve.

Life's very boring here at Auburn.

So am I.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Spring Break is OVER!

Okay. Today's the last day of spring break. I did absolutely NOTHING this spring break. Whoohoo! Exciting, aint it? Oh well, not exactly nothing... I visited Atlanta with my family and went to a factory outlet. Oh oh, I completed Halflife2 this week. It was sweet. The people at valve are real assholes though... now we have to wait another 5 years because of that cliffhanger ending.

Well, aint been feeling too good these two weeks. So much shit's been happening that I don't even feel like going into it. Sometimes I sit and wonder if I'm expecting too much from my life. After all, it had never been terribly exciting anyway. I think I really should be practicing what I preach. See, that's the problem with being an idealist with a extremely short attention span. My motivation to complete a certain task drops dramatically after the first hour. It's a miracle that I ever completed anything in the first place.

I'm STILL trying to sell my car. Unfortunately, it seems that the market is bearish at the moment and I've not had any luck selling it. Something tells me that I won't be able to sell it though, but I'm just being pessimistic. Sheesh, when so many things have not gone right for you for so long, you'll be pessimistic too. I hate the way things keep happening nowadays. Something would happen to get my hopes up, then they would be dashed to pieces. Maybe I'm expecting too much. Somehow I am under the infantile impression that whatever I believe is going to happen will happen. Funny aint it? I'm 22 years old and still having trouble coping with that. Man... if that was the case then all I would have to do is to buy lottery tickets.

I've been pretty cut off from alot of people lately. I'm just not happy and need time alone. There's too many people. I'm all alone. Maybe I need to be taking prozac. I need a soulmate.