/* Amor vincit omnia: May 2005 */

Monday, May 30, 2005

Car Revolution

Okay, I've finally changed my car. The 2000 Chrysler Concorde LX is out, and the 97 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS-T is in. Pictures are available here. There are still some wrinkles with the Eclipse to iron, out, but it's driving and looking real good now, and I'm betting it'll rock once the I've smoothed out the rough edges. The car is totally stock, which is good, cuz it means that no one has screwed it up yet. The check engine light turned on just after I got it, a bad sign, but it maybe just a pinched wire. It could also be a problem with the transmission because it acts weird sometimes. There's no problems other than that so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about it. The Eclipse GS-T does 0-60mph in 6.6 secs but since I got the Eclipse Spyder, the convertible top weighs it down and drags the timing down to somewhere nearer to 7 seconds. It is still freakingly powerful though it has just 210 horsepower which is just pretty decent for such a car, its 214 lbs of torque makes it push its passengers back in their seats whenever it acclerates from rest. I'm planning to add intakes and change the exhaust too, in addition to replacing the bonnet with a carbon fibre hood all in due time. Gonna boost the turbo too, and change the top to a black one all in due time. When all that's done, I'm gonna rip out the auto transmission and throw in a six-speed shifter. Now I've gotta take care of maintenance first, like sending it to get its engine looked at.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Crown VIC Pie

Yeah... time for an ego trip. Check out the Crown VIC Pie here. While you're at it, take a look at some pictures of Miami beach that I just got around to uploading.

Anyway, this is my current travel scoreboard. 11%. Damn sad.

create your own personalized map of the USA

In other news, the long lost twin brother of the new Pope has been found!

On a more serious note, TIME Magazine has found the cause of the US's economic and political woes.

This is a awesome site about Elena and her trips into the dead zone in Chernobyl. I don't use the word awesome alot, so you know that this site's really something. I came across this site a while back before I started this blog, and just came across it again so I'm putting it up.

I've been thinking... just who are you guys who've made the almost 900 hits to this blog? Please leave a comment and let me know, because, I CARE. Frankly, I'm just curious about why my blog would get any hits at all, being non-awesome and all... Anyway if you've been searching for something to send to that person whom you just couldn't care less about, you're in luck, cuz I've found it for you.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What is wrong with me?

It's now just about two years since I broke up with Michelle. I went to sleep at 4 in the morning today. I woke up at 9am today. I was dreaming of Michelle. We were doing something together, then, dreams being dreams, I couldn't find her. Then she was lying on the lap of a guy who was kissing another girl. When I pulled her aside, she yelled at me and asked me what I was doing, and said that she was with another guy. This guy was sitting by himself. I yelled 'if you're with him, then what are you doing with him?!' and was so upset, I woke up, after just 5 hours of sleep.

It hurts so much. I've never been so upset by a dream before. It felt just the same as when I first found out she had a new boyfriend.

Is the whole world moving forward except me? I feel like I'm stuck in a whirlpool. I've moving all right, but while everyone flows down the river, I keep circling at the same spot. Whirlpools are death traps. Many people in South America die after getting caught in a river whirlpool. Is that the same fate in store for me emotionally? I've not been able to have a relationship with anybody since I broke up. I'm starting to wonder if it's because I've been scarred beyond redemption.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Tim's moving to Charleston.

My roommate Tim's leaving today. He's going to Charlston next semester so I prolly won't be seeing him around very often. A pity though, he's a pretty cool guy. We threw a going-away party for him last night. Had a bunch of friends over including some cute girls heh heh heh... anyway I only took a couple of pictures last night. We were getting stone drunk last night heh... and I just started spouting my regular bullshit. Everything was going really great till late in the evening. A friend of my roommates started fucking this guy that my roommate was seeing, and guess what, they had to do it in HER room. So naturally she came back just after they went in, and Tim just went in there and told them to leave. Naturally I gave him a piece of my mind before he could flee with his tail between his legs. Heh... he called my roommate and said that we should apologize to him or see his "ugly side." Ugly side my ass... I don't think he has and ugly side cuz he's so ugly the doctor spanked his face, and his momma threw him away when he was born. Fucking Russsian, if he had any balls he would have come back into the apartment last night and faced the combined fury of our fists.

All that being said, it was a good night. Had alot of fun spouting random bullshit and making a fool of myself. As long as everyone is laughing, I don't mind. Hee hee especially if the cute girls are laughing... heh I am such a shallow person.

Morale of the story, don't trust your friend if she has green hair that looks like it's been damp for too long and algae's started growing on it. Yeah, the bitch's hair was an ugly shade of green on blonde. Looks like she has a fucking spouting brocolli for a head.

Alright y'all, chill.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Fireworks light up the sky.

Just got back from the Spanish finals and the baseball game against Ole Miss. Ole Miss must be the gayest name ever. Who the hell came up with the idea to name a university Ole Miss? Anyway, there were fireworks after the game. Too bad I din't have my camera, it was awesome. Jimmie's coming to visit this summer! What's more, she's bringing friends! Yippeeyiyay! It's going to be a fun time in Florida.